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Lydia, Coal, & Eclipse

You may or may not know this, but I have been showing horses in 4H for around 7 years now. Every time the Jefferson County Fair would come around, all the riders in the club would be buzzing with excitement. It was a fun time of the year when we could have fun with our friends and show off our horses. Throughout my years in 4H, I met a lot of people and made a lot of friends. One of those friends was Lydia. I’ve been showing with her ever since I started 4H, and it’s been a blast.

When I heard she wanted a session, I was so excited because I knew we could create some really special photos. The drive over to the barn where her horses were was quite an experience. Lola, the GPS, took my mom and I to 3 different destinations until we finally found the right one! Eclipse, Lydia’s first horse, was very reluctant to put her ears forward! This resulted in us trying many different techniques to see which one would work the most. Our session was filled with laughing, cow noises, and twig, dirt, and t-shirt throwing. With the help of a fast shutter speed, I captured some beautiful photos of her and Eclipse.IMG 6231 2 scaled

Lydia’s next horse, Coal, was just the opposite of Eclipse. He was happy to show off his gorgeousness for the camera! Photos with Coal, took place at Lydia’s house just a minute down the road. Here I got some of my favorite shots of the evening with an endless field of corn in the background. I also asked Lydia to stand in front of an old barn-type building. I absolutely loved the rich reds, oranges, and browns in the stone. It matched perfectly with Lydia’s flowy white dress and dark black horse. Overall Lydia’s session was truly a time to remember!

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Enjoy some of my favorites from Lydia’s session!

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